Great Ideas for “Buy It Now” Promos
Generate revenue for your family entertainment center by selling discounted game cards and packages now, for validation later when you reopen.

Future Fun Pass
Get customers thinking ahead for future fun. Offer a special discount that’s only available for purchase now, with redemption at a later time. Make it clear that the validation dates will be for when your business reopens.
No Expiration Dates
Let customers know that the play time they purchase now won’t expire.
All-Inclusive Packages
Offer play packages that come with a fun extras like a free t-shirt, food & beverage voucher, redemption prize, and other freebies — when purchased in advance.

Flash Sale
Try offering different special deals for only 24 hours, once a week. Include a countdown timer to create urgency to purchase.
Create a “You Deserve Some Fun” Campaign
Offer special party packages that can be prepaid and gifted to a group of essential employees, such as the staff at a doctor’s office. Give customers the option to include a personalized message, and free surprise delivery to the business of choice. Market it as a way to let workers know they’re appreciated and can look forward to enjoying a fun coworker outing when life gets back to normal.